Wednesday, May 30th
- 9:45 - Julia
- 10:00 - Nicky
- 10:15 - Stanley
- 10:30 - Maia
- 10:45 - Jade
- 11:00 - Paul
- 11:15 - Yareli
Lunch Break/Music Class
- 1:30 - Terry
- 1:45 - Cam
Thursday, May 31st
- 10:00 - Janis
- 10:15 - Olivia
- 10:30 - Enzo
- 10:45 - Sofia
- 11:00 - Lizzie
- 11:15 - Ava
Lunch Break
- 1:00 - Quentin
- 1:15 - Heidi
- 1:30 - Tyler
2:00 - 3:00 - May/Summer Birthday Party. Please remember to bring in your items!
Monday, June 4th
- 1:15-Joseph
- 1:30 - Gali
- 2:00 - Ashton
- 2:15 - Jake
Last week was rather busy for our class. The first part of our week was spent practicing for the First and Second Grade Musical. I was very proud of all our performers; they did very well!
Right before we went on stage
Singing during the performance
Baby Bear, Mama Bear, Goldilocks, and Stanley!
Later in the week, we returned to things academic. The class finished their unit on poetry by writing several different types of poems, including an I Spy couplet (thanks Jazzy for the help!). We also finished our Germ Experiment. Our observations surprised us. The class hypothesized the boys' bathroom would have the most bacteria. As you can see below, however, the library mouse and keyboard proved to be our most "successful" test spot.
Bacteria growth from the sample taken from the library
as compared to the sample taken from the bathroom
Our very busy week ended with our highly anticipated field trip to the Animal Ark. The weather was cold, but the animals were cooperative - very active!
Listening to our tour guide
The class was disappointed that Gracie was not on the schedule to appear, however, Eli was very playful and fun to watch.
Braving the freezing rain!
Enjoying lunch outdoors!
There are only 7 days of school left! This week we have the biography presentations, our May/Summer Birthday celebration on Thursday, and our School Field Day and Second Grade BBQ on Friday. This is my last week in the classroom. Mrs. Fredrickson will return for the last 3 days of school next week. I have enjoyed getting to know the class these past few weeks. They're a great group of kids! I wish all of you a fun and relaxing summer!