Monday, August 19, 2013

I've Moved!
Hey there! This year I am team teaching with Mrs. Drlik and we have a new blog.  Come on over!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thank You!
 photo SummerBlogPic.jpg

Thank you so much for such a fantastic year!  It has been so wonderful having your children in my class and getting to know all of you.  Have a wonderful summer and good luck next school year!
Shaving Cream!
A little last week of school fun!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Last Presentations
Yesterday we finished up our presentations.  We met...

Annie Sullivan

Steve Jobs

Neil Armstrong

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Fun Fun Fun
Friday we had a day full of fun.  First we had field day and played lots of games!
Tootsie Roll Relay

Three-Legged Race


 Then we went down to the park and had our end of the year party.  Caden came to visit.

On Thursday we met...
Abe Lincoln

Benjamin Franklin

Walt Disney

Thomas Edison

Eleanor Roosevelt

Maria Tallchief

Clara Barton


Roald Dahl

Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Presidential Day
Today we met two former US Presidents!
Andrew Jackson

George Bush