Sunday, January 30, 2011

Good on Cereal Boxes

Thank you for sending in all the cereal boxes.  We have enough! :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Field Trip

Just a reminder that next Friday we will be going on a field trip to the University to see a broadway musical montage. The children should dress nicely on this day...February 4th. Please make sure to send your child with a cold lunch in case we don't return to school in time to purchase hot lunch. If you have not sent in the $7 for the ticket and bus,please do so as soon as possible.

Have a wonderful weekend! Bundle up, winter's returning!

Friday, January 21, 2011


In the Friday folders a note went home asking your preference on whether or not you'd like to have the children do a leprechaun trap for homework in the week leading up to St. Patrick's Day.  Please review the note below and return your vote no later than February 4th.  You can also vote on here by clicking the comment pencil under this post, choosing "URL/name", typing your name and then adding your comment/vote.  Thank you for taking the time to do this.  I know these can be a lot of work for you so I thought I'd get some of your input this year.  Please understand that this assignment will be all or nothing.  It would not be fair to have some students make traps and participate in all the hullabaloo and some to not.
Leprechaun Traps

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Calling all...

Cereal Boxes!
We need as many empty cereal boxes as we can get over the next couple weeks!  Please send them in!

Book Project #2

The second book project went home on Friday.  This time the books are about adventure and the students will be choosing their favorite character and making them out of a can.  The directions state that it needs to be a coffee can- any can will work as long as it has a lid.  Please make sure to read the directions carefully.  A huge part of the children's grade will be on effort.  Please make sure to staple or tape the story sequence strips in order before sticking them inside the can so they will be ready to read on February 9th.  Along with this book project the students also need to keep a log of when they are reading their book.  Here is the front portion of the directions.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  You can email me- or leave a comment here (click on comment and choose "URL/name", then type your name).  Thanks!

Book Project Jan Adventure

Friday, January 7, 2011


pogo·nip (pägə nip′)
A native american term meaning a heavy winter fog containing ice particles, occurring in the valleys of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and other mountain valleys of the W U.S. 

This morning we went on a quick walk down to the park to look at the beautiful pogonip on the trees.  Pogonip is a special occurrence that only happens when the temperature and the amount of moisture in the air are just right.  The ice particles stick to the trees like little tiny hairs creating beautiful icy, white trees.  I think it's so interesting that it only occurs on the west coast!  The kids had fun learning something new and taking a break from the normal routine.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hooray for the Activboard!

This week has been interesting.  I will admit that it has been hard to get back into the routine of things.  When we returned to school on Monday morning we had our brand new activboard and we all got a kick out of me trying to use it that first day.  :)  Since then we've improved quite a lot and are trying new tricks everyday.  By Tuesday every child had had the chance to come write on it or play on it.  It is so, so amazing how engaged they are in the lessons that are on the activboard.  They are all listening and waiting for the second that something new will happen or even better that they'll get to come up and use it.  Have they been talking about it at home.  I heard a certain little someone was even singing songs about cool it was when he got off the bus. :)  I  love it.

A big thank you goes out to the PTA and all the parents that helped support our Jog-a-Thon that enabled us to get the activboards.  They are awesome!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Accelerated Reader

Just a reminder that all AR tests that the kids want their "bucks" for must be taken by this Friday at 4:00.  The AR store is in a couple weeks.  They may still save their points for future shopping excursions.